Ocean Mermaid

Ocean Mermaid

Ocean Mermaid

Mermaiding is becoming a popular way to explore the ocean and is gaining recognition across the freediving and athletic world. Not only is it a way to gain additional functional strength, it's a fantastical way to express your creativity and tap into your own style of beauty and grace. This sport gives us the best of both worlds while we learn poise and how to model above and in the water--while improving our dynamic swim time underwater. This certification also creates space for a sense of community and group support as we learn about ourselves, our capability's, our beauty, and the necessity to take care of our oceans. This Ocean Mermaid certification course is inclusive and diverse. All are welcome as diversity of our oceans makes it the magical place we love to explore.

Ocean Mermaid Certification from SSI includes: a course room session reviewing theory and safety (oceanside), monofin safety techniques, equalization protocols, recovery breathing, swimming protocols. Then the ocean session is 2 -3 hours long and you will put your skills to work in shallow open water. In this course you will dive to 5 meters max, and learn other crossover skills that improve your freediving skills.

This is a 8-hour long course and water/healthy snacks will be provided. All gear is included. You must be able to swim, and have some experience snorkeling or beginning freediving. If you completed any other freediving courses, please let me know.

*You will receive the Ocean Mermaid Certification from Scuba Schools International
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